Definition of terms
1. Origin- also called the head , the most stationary end of muscle
2. Insertion- the end of the muscle attached to the bone undergoing the greatest movement.
3. Agonist- a muscle that accomplishes a certain movement.
4. Antagonist- A muscle acting on opposition.
5. Tendon- a tough connective tissue band connecting muscles to bone.
6. Abduction-movement away from the median or midsagittal plane
7. Adduction- movement toward the median
8. Pronation-rotation of the forearm so that the palm is down
9. Supination- The palms face up
10. Flexion- moves part of the body in the anterior or ventral to the coronal plane
11. Extension- Moves a part in a posterior or dorsal coronal plane
12. Protraction- movement in which structure, such as mandible, glides anteriorly
13. Retraction- the structure glides posteriorly.
14. Excursion -the movement of the structure to one side or other.
Reference: Seeley, Stephens et al. Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology 6th edition, McGraw-Hill International Edition.