Lesson 1: MUSCLES
A. Subject Name: Biology
B. Lesson Reference no. 1
C. Lesson Title: Let’s Move and Let’s Groove
(Skeletal Muscles)
D. Lesson Description
This lesson makes the students understand how the skeletal muscles move or act and they will also know about the muscles’ origins and insertions so with the importance and applications of muscles’ daily activities.
E. Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
• determine the different movements of the skeletal muscles;
• identify the muscles; their origins, their insertions and their actions;
• create a dance move using the different muscles in the arms, legs and thighs.
F. Review of the Previous Learning
Concept: Microscopic Anatomy of the Skeletal Muscles.
G. Learning Presentation
• Object 1: Muscles moves, but we are not aware of the names of the said movements. Try to view this video and imitate the dance moves and try to check if you know the names of movements.
If you’re done dancing, try to click this for you to find out what are the names of the different body muscle movement that you have just performed.
• Object 2: For you to have an overview regarding skeletal muscles, try to visit and read this:
Skeletal Muscles
Click this in order for you to identify the origin, insertion and action done by each muscle.
H. Learning Activity
Label the muscles by visiting this.
Create your own dance moves that may involve the muscles that act in the Arm, Legs and Thigh by using this music video.
I. Evaluation
Take the quiz by visiting this page.
J. Agreement
Read about nervous system, its importance and the organs.
Check this powerpoint presentation from teachertube.